
"Spring Break" is almost over!

I am sitting in Charlotte Douglas International Airport awaiting my first flight to Newark, New Jersey. I will then have a two and a half hour lay over in Newark until I fly on to Boston! This trip has been bittersweet and a bit taxing - emotionally. I was able to visit with Maw Maw twice this week - Monday/Tuesday and a quick visit last night. I love her so much! Please continue to pray for her. She is in so much pain and is so exhausted; it breaks my heart to see her this way.

On a lighter note, I loved visiting with family and friends whom I have not seen in what seems like forever! CBF was great as always on Wednesday night! Kim's cooking is heavenly! Thanks, Kim! :]

So, I am off now, as my plane begins its boarding. The next time I blog will be in Boston! See you there! :]

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