
My First Post

Ok, so I have talked about creating a blog for a while now and now that I finally have, I am not sure what to do here.

This week is Missions Emphasis at BBC [Boston Baptist College]. This is exciting to me, because I have such a heart for missions. Whether or not God will move me vocationally into Missions or not, I am not sure yet. I am willing to go, though, if He should choose that. I am having dinner tonight with a man who works with the BBF [Baptist Bible Fellowship] Missions Department. I will have a chance to ask him some of the questions I have concerning the areas overseas where I feel God may be leading me to minister. It will be cool to hear first-hand how the BBF works with missionaries. I am excited to learn about some of the different aspects of how the BBF works.

God is so amazing!
For those who may not know, Samantha [my girlfriend] and I are praying about the possibility of God moving us to Kurdistan, Iraq or India as missionaries. I definitely feel like part of our ministry will have some part in missions. I am just not sure yet how much. I have so many plans and dreams -if only I could accomplish them all! God is good and I know that as long as I am seeking His guidance, He will lead me where He wants me.

1 comment:

Amazing Grace said...

I miss you and praying for ya'll!